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WV Judical Reform August 26, 2009

Posted by hamcoder in Government's role.
1 comment so far

Judicial reform is a hot-button issue in West Virginia these days.  Much of the heat is due to the behavior of Don Blankenship, CEO of Massey Energy.  Look here, here, or here. You can also plug massey energy court case into your favorite search engine.

There is also a web site for WV Judicial Reform where you can submit your own ideas for straightening out the courts system in WV.  Here’s what I told them …

Remove commercial interests from the funding of the election process.

Specifically, one is allowed to contribute to a judicial candidate’s only if one is eligible to register to vote.  In other words, if you are not a true person who meets the criteria to be a registered voter, you cannot participate in a West Virginia judicial election.  No money from political action committees (PACs), no money from businesses, no money from individuals who do not live in West Virginia, and no money from an organized political party

I could rant about this for several paragraphs, but I’ll save that for a later time.

And that’s My 2 Cents Worth.